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5 Simple Ways to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

By: Adam Thompson

Living a healthy lifestyle is easy; in fact, it's a lot easier than you might have ever imagined! The changes that you should make to your day to day routine are small, simple and most of all, require minimum effort. Forget gruelling exercise regimes and rigorous dietary plans; just try and stick to these 5 simple tips.

Always make sure you eat breakfast. Yes, its true, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It is vitally important that you eat breakfast as it has been proven that people who skip breakfast are more likely to overeat during the day. Try a bowl of porridge first thing in the morning as an excellent source of energy. It's is low in both calories and in fat and has a low Glycemic Index. That means that it releases sugar into the blood slowly, which will curb your hunger for a longer period of time. This way, your stomach will be satisfied and you will be spending your energy on working instead of searching for something to eat!

Grill your food instead of frying it. A great way to reduce the amount of fat you consume is to switch from frying your food to grilling it instead. When you fry food it tends to sit in fat whereas grilling allows the fat to drain away. It is however important to remember that grilling food doesn't reduce its fat content so you should also be making changes to your diet to incorporate foods that are naturally low in fat.

Drink plenty of water. Our bodies contain around 75% water and it is important to ensure you keep yourself hydrated. Water is vitally important to your body and affects everything from your concentration to your blood circulation. Drinking a lot of water also helps flush out waste and toxins from your body. Always keep a bottle of water handy and ideally you want drinking water to become a habit and not a chore!

Take the stairs. Quit being lazy and use the stairs. It is simple, light exercise which will allows you to burn up to 8-11 kcal every minute. There are stairs literally everywhere so instead of avoiding them like the plague use them to your advantage. If you use the stairs as often as possible, you will reap the rewards. You'll often find it is actually quicker than using the lift!

Eat lots of fruit and veggies! Everyone knows that they should eat more fruit and veggies, but why and how much should you be eating? The recommendation is that you should eat at least 5 portions a day, ideally 9 servings a day. They are excellent sources of both vitamins and minerals and are also low in fat.

If you follow these 5 tips over time, they should become pleasant habits and a normal part of your daily routine. These are simple and easy changes that you can make that will do a world of good to you and your body!

About the Author: In addition to basic steps like these 5 tips, there are other things you can do to improve your health. Glyconutrients have been proven to be essential for optimal health: http://www.glyconutrients-online.com/

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